> I am a member of the Black MIDI team on YouTube and we make massive MIDI files
> to play. Howver, even if we use the 4GB patch on MIDItrail, bigger MIDIs cannot
> play. We request that you make MIDItrail 64-bit so that we can utilize all our
> RAM in playing MIDIs. Thank you!
It is a interesting challenge.
I am going to try making 64bit version.
> Another issue: when we play large MIdis, the notes do not show up. Why is this?
> Can this be corrected? Some people have this problem whereas others do not.
Probably it depends on capabilities of your graphic card.
A graphic card has some limit value in the process of drawing polygons.
For example, there is a limit on the number of polygons that can be drawn in a single operation.
MIDITrail renders ALL NOTEs every time.
Therefore, if the MIDI file has a large number of notes, it may exceed the limits of the graphic card.
You can check the capabilities of graphic cards by following tool.
KluDX http://www.kludx.com/
Please check next parameter.
DirectX > Capabilities > MaxPrimitiveCount
DirectX > Vertices > MaxVertexIndex
MIDITrail consumes primitives and vertex indexes for 1 note in following rate.
Piano Roll 2D/3D
number of primitive: 12/note
number of vertex index: 36/note
Piano Roll Rain
number of primitive: 2/note
number of vertex index: 6/note
And you have to check memory size of your graphic card.
MIDITrail consumes memory for 1 note in following rate.
Piano Roll 2D/3D
memory: 816 bytes/note
Piano Roll Rain
memory: 136 bytes/note
Reply to #70059