[メッセージ #75682 への返信]
> Thank you for your message.
> I am sorry for the delay in my response.
> I think it is very interesting to see MIDITrail in 3D VISION.
> I'm going to add full screen support in the future.
I recently figured out how to make it work! There are 3 ways:
1- (EASIEST) Rename MIDITrail.exe to googleearth.exe
2- Add MIDITrail.exe to the Google Earth profile using NVIDIA inspector
3- Duplicate the Google Earth profile to create a MIDITrail profile, then add the exe (Haven't tried it though, but should work)
It looks AMAZING!
However, it still only shows in windowed mode, so it would still be cool to have the option for exclusive fullscreen mode.
Reply to #75682