[Reply To Message #75793]
> Thank you for your message.
> I am sorry for the delay in my response.
> > I assume that is possibly related to video memory overload?
> The error means that "Direct3D does not have enough display memory
> to perform the operation". (D3DERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMOR)
> > Also, Piano From Above has much lower video memory/resource footprint
> > than MIDITrail with thesame amount of MIDI notes, so I suspect there
> > is a significant amount of inefficiency within the code.
> MIDITrail renders ALL NOTEs every time.
> Therefore, if the MIDI file has a large number of notes, it may exceed
> the limits of the graphic card. Please check following thread.
> Can you make MIDItrail 64-bit?
> http://sourceforge.jp/projects/miditrail/forums/23361/34444/
> I have some ideas about optimization. I would like to try it someday...
> There is a tricky way. You can use MIDI IN Monitoring mode.
> Other MIDI Player [OUT] --> [IN] MIDITrail(Monitoring mode)
> In this way, MIDITrail does not have a limit on the number of notes.
Bingo! I didn't realize that I was not on the 64-bit version. I have changed to 64-bit version and this has been solved on my NVidia GTX 970 GPU that I just recently got (got the same error as my 840M had). As my laptop is out for repairs at the moment I haven't tried those two other GPUs yet. I think you should make it more clear that the 32-bit version is 32-bit.
Now with this working on my GTX 970, I can load MIDIs up to 8.1 million notes; any larger and the notes simply won't show but there is no crash. Yes, this is on stock MIDITrail-Ver.1.2.1b-Windows64.zip.
I have some ideas of my own for optimization, and I will create tickets for each of them.
Reply to #75793